#!/usr/bin/perl use sane; # preview => 1; say "foo" say "bar" if length "sam" > 2 say "yes" else say "no" for my $a (0..4) say $a for $a=4; $a>=0; --$a say $a my $c = 0 while 1 say "hello world!" if ++$c==3 last print q This is a test of multi-line quoted strings. I need to strip the first newline and the tabs. without breaking line numbers! my $foo = "one" my $bar = "two" my $baz = "three" print qq This is a test of multi-line double-quoted strings. $foo $bar $baz my $cow = q I like cows cow cow cow cow cow cow $cow =~ s cow . "moo" exg print qq >>$cow<< # these are ok in place of heredocs