server setup: add to ssh_config for callback: NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost yes (write a script to do this?) TODO: Run a SEPARATE CUSTOM SSHD on the server for rfix, which allows to forward only one remote port (the uid), no local ports, etc. sshd settings GatewayPorts no # or clientspecified, on shared server LocalCommand might be useful to let the user know when a connection has been made: ssh -oControlPath=none -oPermitLocalCommand=yes -oLocalCommand='xmessage hi' pi rfix client cd: needs ~/.ssh/id_rsa and id_dsa, custom files, to authenticate to the server; and maybe custom username, server, port, etc. require a password (too) ? # to test: ssh -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes -i ~/.rfix-tmp/id_rsa -p 8484 localhost # TODO rfix client (for fixers?) should use a custom ssh config file, as needs may be different from usual, esp. re security (can't trust the user) Should the time for rfix be arranged with a phone call, voice or IM? probably yes, can give a simple password to the fixer to be used in combination with the ssh key and server access.