# setup tasks for sam's laptop 'balrog' # this is formatted like a shell script, but do not run it as one without reviewing it! # e.g. some `cd` are missing # blacklist noveau video driver # installed latest nvidia video driver from nvidia # TODO install multimedia packages adduser sam sudo adduser sam staff # visudo # add NOPASSWD: apt-get update apt-get dist-upgrade scp sam@ucm.dev:ucm-packages/ucm-*.deb ./ dpkg -i ucm-*.deb apt-get -f install mkdir code rsync -azv sam@ ~/.ssh/ ssh ucm.dev # for keepalive cd code git clone sam@ucm.dev:code/arcs # get, build and install arcs arcs --get sam@ucm.dev:code/arcs arcs --get sam@ucm.dev:code/ucm-packages arcs --get sam@ucm.dev:code/brace arcs --get sam@ucm.dev:code/cz arcs --get sam@ucm.dev:code/code cd arcs --get sam@ucm.dev:mail build and install brace and cz # to /usr/local cd ucm-tools ; ./configure ; make devinst ; cd .. i Xtools make clean devinst (echo; echo 'AllowUsers sam root') >>/etc/ssh/sshd_config ln -s code/profile/sam-new ~/conf cp -a code/profile/local ~/local setup-conf # --- up to here --- TODO install 'video download helper' # copy www sites mkdir -p ~/www ; cd ~/www ; for A in `<~/code/code/sites.txt`; do arcs --get sam@ucm.dev:/www/$A; done ; arcs -f * ulb code/talaga/talaga i code/a2b sudo make devinst echo /usr/bin/lxterm | update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator moved keyboard shortcut ctrl-alt T to run x-terminal-emulator added keyboard shortcut ctrl-shift T to run xterm -xrm '*reverseVideo:true' i mail sshc pi= find -name .keep | xa -n1 dirname | xa mkdir -p i mail sshc pi= find -name .keep | xa touch installed delicious toolbar for firefox install VMWare Player inst amoeba (GL test / demo) inst qemu-kvm, copy my qemu work folder inst thunderbird seamonkey mkdir wip patch /etc/sudoers <