`MI search (record) for (MI module) with (title search) in title, ordering by (kla) and (yl) to give (object name)' means ` (test) is <<<(record).`mi_module'> equals (MI module)> and <<(record).`mi_id'> greater than `1000'> and <<(record).`title'> contains (title search)>> filter (record) by (test) giving (matching record) (kla test) is <<(matching record).`kla'> equals (kla)> (yl test) is <<(matching record).`yl'> equals (yl)> filter (matching record) by <(kla test) and (tl test)> giving (kla and yl record) or (not both record) filter (not both record) by (kla test) giving (kla record) or (not kla record) filter (not kla record) by (yl test) giving (yl record) or (irrelevant record) serial merge streams [(kla and yl record) (kla record) (yl record) (irrelevant record)] into (sorted record) limit stream (sorted record) to `15' objects giving (limited record) (object name) is <(limited record).`object' '