/* written by Alastair Poole and Sam Watkins, 2006 - 2010 this code is released to the public domain. */ #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600 #define _BSD_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* for PATH_MAX in mingw */ #include #include #include #include #include "arcs_backend.h" #define ARCS_VERSION "" #ifdef __MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION #include #include #define SLASH "\\" #define S_ISLNK(mode) 0 #define lstat stat #define sleep(n) (Sleep(1000*n)) /* or use Sleep() from winbase.h */ #define mkdir(path, mode) mkdir(path) #define LLU_FMT "%I64u" #define WIFEXITED(x) 1 #define WEXITSTATUS(x) x #else #include #define LLU_FMT "%llu" #define SLASH "/" #endif /* #ifndef uint typedef unsigned int uint; #endif */ #define FAILURE 0 #define SUCCESS 1 #define STATUS_PULLED_NOTHING 123 typedef struct hashtable hashtable; struct hashtable { }; char *reject_ext[] = { "o", "a", "so", "exe", "dll", "class", "pyc", "tar", "tgz", "gz", "gdb", "bz2", "Z", "zip", "rpm", "deb", NULL }; int scan_delay = 30; int pull_interval = 1; int safe_exit = 0; int quiet_level = 1; // 0 verbose, 1 default quiet, 2 very quiet, 3 silent int verbose = 0; int VERBOSE = 0; int init_new = 0; int no_action = 0; int rec_after_pull = 0; int command_failed = 0; time_t now; int loop = 0; int read_proj = 0; int parallel = 0; int parallel_max = 8; double parallel_sleep = 0.1; char *get_from = NULL; char *get_to = NULL; char *put_from = NULL; char *put_to = NULL; int peace_which = 0; int go_up_to_find_project_dir = 1; int no_dirs; int use_link_tree = 1; int arcs_shared = -1; int do_rec = 1; int do_rrec = 1; int do_pull = 1; int do_push = 1; int do_push_always = 0; //list_t *push_list = NULL; //list_t *pull_list = NULL; int do_setup_make = 0; int do_edit_peers = 0; int do_set_task = 0; int do_detach_peers = 0; int do_forget_history = 0; int do_remove_arcs = 0; int do_commit_all = 0; int do_conflicts = 0; int do_peace = 0; int do_make = 1; int do_diff = 0; int do_patch = 0; int do_unpatch = 0; char *msg = NULL; char *arcs_dir = ".arcs"; char *tree_dir = ".arcs" SLASH "tree"; char *db_file = ".arcs" SLASH "db.txt"; char *db_file_new = ".arcs" SLASH "db.txt.new"; char *peers_file = ".arcs" SLASH "peers"; char *make_file = ".arcs" SLASH "make"; char *task_file = ".arcs" SLASH "task"; char *htaccess_file = ".htaccess"; char *htaccess_content = "deny from all\n"; char *_projects_file = ".arcs_projects"; char projects_file[PATH_MAX]; char *need_push_file = ".arcs" SLASH "need_push"; typedef unsigned long long file_id_t; typedef struct node_t node_t; struct node_t { char *path; file_id_t file_id; unsigned int mtime; unsigned int exists; node_t *next; }; typedef struct list_t list_t; struct list_t { list_t *next; void *node; }; typedef struct location_t location_t; struct location_t { char *address; char *user; char *host; char *dir; }; typedef struct project_t project_t; struct project_t { char *path; node_t *database; list_t *peers; location_t *here; int changed; }; char *Strcat(char *dest, const char *src) { return strncat(dest, src, PATH_MAX); } void arcs_error(const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); fprintf(stderr, "Error: "); vfprintf(stderr, format, ap); fputc('\n', stderr); va_end(ap); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } char *Getcwd(void) { char buf[PATH_MAX]; if (!getcwd(buf, sizeof(buf))) arcs_error("getcwd()"); return strdup(buf); } char *abs_path(char *path) { char buf[PATH_MAX]; if (path[0] == '/') return strdup(path); if (path[0] == '.') { ++path; while (path[0] == '/') ++path; } path = Strcat(Strcat(strcpy(buf, Getcwd()), "/"), path); return strdup(path); } char *memlog_file = ".memlog"; FILE *memlog = NULL; void Malloc_debug_open(void) { #ifdef MEMLOG memlog = fopen(memlog_file, "w"); if (!memlog) arcs_error("cannot open memlog file"); #endif } void Malloc_debug_close(void) { #ifdef MEMLOG fclose(memlog); #endif } #define Malloc(size) _Malloc(size, __FILE__, __LINE__) #define Free(ptr) _Free(ptr, __FILE__, __LINE__) void *_Malloc(size_t size, char *file, int line) { void *tmp = malloc(size); if(!tmp) arcs_error("malloc()"); #ifdef MEMLOG fprintf(memlog, "malloc\t%08x\t%d\t%s:%d\n", (uint)tmp, size, file, line); #else file = file; line = line; #endif return tmp; } void _Free(void *ptr, char *file, int line) { #ifdef MEMLOG fprintf(memlog, "free\t%08x\t\t%s:%d\n", (uint)ptr, file, line); #else file = file; line = line; #endif free(ptr); } list_t *list_new(list_t *next, void *node) { list_t *tmp = Malloc(sizeof(list_t)); tmp->next = next; tmp->node = node; return tmp; } typedef void (*free_t)(void *); void list_free_each(list_t *list, free_t free_member) { list_t *cursor = list; list_t *next; while (cursor) { next = cursor->next; if (cursor->node) free_member(cursor->node); Free(cursor); cursor = next; } } void list_free(list_t *list) { list_t *cursor = list; list_t *next; while (cursor) { next = cursor->next; if (cursor->node) Free(cursor->node); Free(cursor); cursor = next; } } static void help(char *program) { char *i = strrchr(program, '/'); if (i) program = i+1; i = strrchr(program, '\\'); if (i) program = i+1; i = strstr(program, ".exe"); if (i) *i = '\0'; printf("Usage: %s [OPTIONS] [projdir ...]\n", program); printf("OPTIONS:\n"); printf(" -h --help this menu\n"); printf(" -V --version version information\n"); printf(" -v verbose mode (up to -v -v)\n"); printf(" -q quiet mode (up to -q -q)\n"); printf(" -i init new repository\n"); printf(" --get fr [to] import host:dir [dir] - get a repository\n"); printf(" --put fr to output dir host[:dir] - put a repository\n"); printf(" -l run in a loop\n"); printf(" -s sleep for secs between scans (%d)\n", scan_delay); printf(" -S sleep for number of scans between push/pull (%d)\n", pull_interval); printf(" -z small sleep between forking children (%f)\n", parallel_sleep); printf(" -m commit message\n"); printf(" -t set .arcs/task (persistent commit message)\n"); printf(" -n take no action, only show what would have happened\n"); printf(" -N no network, don't push out or pull in\n"); printf(" -O don't push out\n"); printf(" -I don't pull in\n"); printf(" --push push even if it seems unnecessary\n"); printf(" -L do not record local (can use to create an empty repository)\n"); printf(" -R do not record remote (with pull, implies -O, conflicts --put)\n"); printf(" -M don't run make\n"); printf(" -a work on multiple projects listed in ~/.arcs_projects or args\n"); #ifndef __MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION printf(" -f [forks] fast parallel mode (forks default = %d)\n", parallel_max); #endif printf(" -d diff\n"); printf(" -p patch\n"); printf(" -u unpatch\n"); printf(" -E commit ELF files and .o .a .so .exe .dll\n"); printf(" -T (with -i) do not create link tree, for /etc\n"); printf(" -c cooperative - make shared repositories / checkouts\n"); printf(" -C not cooperative - make unshared repositories / checkouts\n"); printf(" --log show changelog\n"); printf(" --hist show change history\n"); printf(" --make setup Makefile to work with arcs\n"); printf(" --peers edit .arcs/peers\n"); printf(" --projects edit ~/.arcs/projects\n"); printf(" --detach clear .arcs/peers\n"); printf(" --forget forget all history here and elsewhere *eek*\n"); printf(" --remove remove .arcs and .git dirs from a module *eek*\n"); printf(" --commit-all commit all files, in case of problems\n"); printf(" --conflicts list files having conflicts in them\n"); printf(" --peace 1|2 f* resolve conflicts (takes a list of files)\n"); printf(" --rap record changes after a pull (internal)\n"); printf("\n"); printf("By Sam Watkins and Alastair Poole\n"); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } // printf(" -o push to all peers (default)\n"); // printf(" -i pull from all peers (default)\n"); // printf("* -o [peers] don't push to these peers\n"); // printf("* -i [peers] don't pull from these peers\n"); // printf(" +o [peers] push to only these peers\n"); // printf(" +i [peers] pull from only these peers\n"); // printf("* not working yet\n\n"); static int first_run_test(char *location) { struct stat fstats; int status; status = stat(location, &fstats); if (status < 0) return SUCCESS; else return FAILURE; } #ifndef __MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION void link_add(char *path, file_id_t inode) { char tmp[PATH_MAX]; if (!use_link_tree) return; snprintf(tmp, PATH_MAX, "%s" SLASH LLU_FMT, tree_dir, inode); unlink(tmp); link(path, tmp); } void link_del(file_id_t inode) { char tmp[PATH_MAX]; if (!use_link_tree) return; snprintf(tmp, PATH_MAX, "%s" SLASH LLU_FMT, tree_dir, inode); unlink(tmp); } #endif static int System(const char *cmd) { int status = 0; fflush(stdout); if(VERBOSE) fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", cmd); if(!no_action) { #ifdef __MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION /* split on semicolons */ char *buf = strdup(cmd); char *end = buf; int in_quoted = 0, in_squoted = 0; while (1) { if (*end == '\0') { status = system(buf); break; } else if (*end == '"') { in_quoted = !in_quoted; ++end; } else if (*end == '\'') { in_squoted = !in_squoted; ++end; } else if (!in_quoted && !in_squoted && *end != '\\' && end[1] == ';') { ++end; *end = '\0'; status = system(buf); ++end; buf = end; } else { ++end; } } Free(buf); #else status = system(cmd); #endif if (status == -1 || !WIFEXITED(status)) arcs_error("could not run child process"); status = WEXITSTATUS(status); /* XXX - it only checks final status. this is consistent with shell but not what we really want for arcs */ if (status != 0) { if (!rec_after_pull && status != STATUS_PULLED_NOTHING) { /* fprintf(stderr, "Warning: sub-command failed. Not updating database:\n %s\n", cmd); */ if (quiet_level < 3) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: sub-command failed %d: %s\n", status, cmd); } // command_failed = 1; // making it fail and not update the db seems to cause more problems than not because it's usually a failure due to trying to commit nothing. } } } return status; } /* Quoting arguments for the shell */ /* The "to" buffer must have enough space, allow 2 * strlen(from)+1. */ /* It adds a null and returns the address of the null. */ #ifndef __MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION static char *sh_quote(const char *from, char *to) { char c; while (1) { c = *from; if (c == '\0') break; if ((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || strchr("-_./", c) != NULL) { /* doesn't need escaping */ *to = c; ++to; } else if (c == '\n') { to[0] = '\''; to[1] = c; to[2] = '\''; to += 3; } else { to[0] = '\\'; to[1] = c; to += 2; } ++from; } *to = '\0'; return to; } #else static char *sh_quote(const char *from, char *to) { int quote = strchr(from, ' ') ? 1 : 0; if (quote) *to++ = '"'; strcpy(to, from); to += strlen(from); if (quote) *to++ = '"'; return to; } #endif static int vcommand(const char *cmd, va_list ap) { char tmpstr[4096]; char *args[10]; int arg_count = 0; const char *in = cmd; char *out = tmpstr; while (*in) { if (*in == '$' && in[1] >= '1' && in[1] <= '9') { char *arg; int which_arg; ++in; which_arg = *in - '1'; /* starts from 1 */ ++in; while (arg_count <= which_arg) { args[arg_count++] = va_arg(ap, char *); } arg = args[which_arg]; if (out - tmpstr + strlen(arg) * 3 + 1 > sizeof(tmpstr)) { arcs_error("vcommand: command too long"); } out = sh_quote(arg, out); } else if (*in == '$' && in[1] == 'M') { in+=2; if (!do_make) { *out = '\0'; strcat(out, "-M"); out+=2; } } else if (*in == '$' && in[1] == 'q') { in+=2; int i; for (i=1; iquiet_level; --i) { *out = '\0'; strcat(out, "-v "); out+=3; } --out; } else if (*in == '$' && in[1] == 'Q') { in+=2; #ifndef __MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION if (quiet_level > 0) { *out = '\0'; strcat(out, ">/dev/null 2>&1"); out+=strlen(out); } #endif } else if (*in == '$' && in[1] == 'R') { in+=2; if (rec_after_pull) { *out = '\0'; strcat(out, "|| true"); out+=strlen(out); } } else { if ((unsigned)(out - tmpstr + 1) > sizeof(tmpstr)) { arcs_error("vcommand: command too long"); } *out = *in; ++in; ++out; } } *out = '\0'; return System(tmpstr); } static int command(const char *cmd, ...) { int status; va_list ap; va_start(ap, cmd); status = vcommand(cmd, ap); va_end(ap); return status; } static int lcommand(char * const*argv) { char tmpstr[4096]; char *end = tmpstr+sizeof(tmpstr); char *i = tmpstr; while (*argv) { if (end - i < (int)(2*strlen(*argv)+2)) arcs_error("lcommand: command too long"); if (i > tmpstr) *i++ = ' '; i = sh_quote(*argv, i); ++argv; } return System(tmpstr); } static int record(char *task) { return command(ARCS_REC, task); } static void arcs_rrec(char *peer) { // remote record if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "rrec\n"); command(ARCS_RREC, peer); } static void push(char *peer, char *base) { if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "push\n"); command(ARCS_PUSH, peer, base); } static int pull(char *peer) { if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "pull\n"); return command(ARCS_PULL, peer); } static void make(void) { char make_command[PATH_MAX]; #ifdef __MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION strcpy(make_command, "make"); #else strcpy(make_command, make_file); #endif if (quiet_level > 1) Strcat(make_command, " $Q"); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "make\n"); command(make_command); } void chomp(char *str) { while (*str) { if (*str == '\n') { *str = '\0'; return; } str++; } } /* This one's a bit nasty...*/ static int tokenize(char *line, char *path, file_id_t *file_id, int *mtime) { char *p; const char delim[] = "\t"; p = strtok(line, delim); if (p) { strcpy(path, p); p = strtok(NULL, delim); if (p) { *file_id = atoll(p); p = strtok(NULL, "\0"); if (p) { *mtime = atoi(p); return SUCCESS; } else return FAILURE; } else return FAILURE; } else return FAILURE; } static node_t *node_alloc(void) { node_t *tmp = Malloc(sizeof(node_t)); tmp->next = NULL; tmp->path = NULL; tmp->exists = 0; return tmp; } #ifdef __MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION static file_id_t get_create_time(char *path) { HANDLE fh = CreateFile(path, FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES|FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, NULL); if (fh == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // apparently we can't read directory create time with this :/ // fprintf(stderr, "Error: Could not CreateFile (open to check file attributes) %s", path); return 0; /* FIXME use GetLastError, FormatError ... ? */ } FILETIME ctime; if (!GetFileTime(fh, &ctime, NULL, NULL)) { arcs_error("Error: Could not GetFileTime %s", path); } /* printf("dwHighDateTime dwLowDateTime are %d %d\n", ctime.dwHighDateTime, ctime.dwLowDateTime); */ if (!CloseHandle(fh)) { arcs_error("Error: Could not CloseHandle %s", path); } file_id_t file_id = ctime.dwLowDateTime; file_id |= ((file_id_t)ctime.dwHighDateTime) << 32; /* printf("file_id is " LLU_FMT "\n", file_id); */ return file_id; } static void set_create_time(char *path, file_id_t file_id) { HANDLE fh = CreateFile(path, FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES|FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, NULL); if (fh == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { arcs_error("Error: Could not CreateFile (open to check file attributes) %s", path); /* FIXME use GetLastError, FormatError ... ? */ } FILETIME ctime; ctime.dwLowDateTime = (unsigned int)file_id; ctime.dwHighDateTime = (unsigned int)(file_id >> 32); if (!SetFileTime(fh, &ctime, NULL, NULL)) { arcs_error("Error: Could not SetFileTime %s", path); } if (!CloseHandle(fh)) { arcs_error("Error: Could not CloseHandle %s", path); } } #endif static void node_add(node_t * database, char *path, file_id_t file_id, unsigned int mtime, hashtable *index) { node_t *cursor = database; index=index; // TODO RMME #ifdef __MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION file_id_t file_id_orig = file_id; #endif // TODO fix: this search for dup file_id is slow too :( // also don't step through the list like this, keep an 'end' pointer, // or push to the top of the list like normal. // Can reverse the list inplace before dumping it out. while (cursor->next) { cursor = cursor->next; #ifdef __MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION if (file_id == cursor->file_id) { /* try again if we find a duplicate ctime */ /* file_id -= 1e5; */ /* 10 milli seconds / 100 nano secs */ file_id -= 2e7; /* 2 seconds / 100 nano secs */ cursor = database; } #endif } #ifdef __MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION if (file_id != file_id_orig) { set_create_time(path, file_id); file_id_t test = get_create_time(path); if (test == file_id) { if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "changed file_id of %s from " LLU_FMT " to " LLU_FMT "\n", path, file_id_orig, file_id); } else { arcs_error("Error: Could not change file_id (create_time) of %s from " LLU_FMT " to " LLU_FMT, path, file_id_orig, file_id); } } #endif if (!cursor->next) { cursor->next = node_alloc(); cursor = cursor->next; cursor->path = strdup(path); cursor->file_id = file_id; cursor->mtime = mtime; } else arcs_error("node_add: Should not be here!"); } static int test_elf(char *path) { char buf[4]; int ret = FAILURE; FILE *fp = fopen(path, "r"); if(!fp) arcs_error("test_elf: fopen()"); fread(buf, sizeof(buf), 1, fp); if(!memcmp(buf, "\177ELF", sizeof(buf))) ret = SUCCESS; fclose(fp); return ret; } static int test_bin_file(char *path) { struct stat fstats; char *ext; char **rej; if(lstat(path, &fstats)<0) arcs_error("test_bin_file: lstat()"); if (S_ISREG(fstats.st_mode)) { ext = strrchr(path, '.'); if (ext++) { for (rej = reject_ext; *rej; ++rej) { if (!strcasecmp(ext, *rej)) return SUCCESS; } } if ((fstats.st_mode & S_IXUSR) && test_elf(path)) { return SUCCESS; } } return FAILURE; } static void node_free(node_t * database) { node_t *cursor; node_t *forward; cursor = database; while (cursor) { forward = cursor->next; if (cursor->path) Free(cursor->path); Free(cursor); cursor = forward; } } static node_t *node_find(node_t * testdb, file_id_t file_id, hashtable *testdb_index) { // TODO use index hashtable, this is SLOW!! need 2 hashtables? node_t *cursor = testdb->next; testdb_index=testdb_index; // TODO RMME while (cursor) { if (cursor->file_id == file_id) { return cursor; } cursor = cursor->next; } return NULL; } static node_t *node_find_by_path(node_t * testdb, char *path, hashtable *testdb_index) { // TODO use index hashtable, this is SLOW!! testdb_index=testdb_index; // TODO RMME node_t *cursor = testdb->next; while (cursor) { if (!strcmp(cursor->path, path)) { return cursor; } cursor = cursor->next; } return NULL; } static int elf_repellant = 1; /* also repels other undesirables */ static void find_files(char *location, FILE * fp, node_t * database, int write_file, hashtable *index) { DIR *dir; struct stat fstats; struct dirent *tmp = NULL; char *directories[8192] = { NULL }; /* Is this silly? */ char fullpath[PATH_MAX]; int i = 0; lstat(location, &fstats); if (S_ISLNK(fstats.st_mode)) return; dir = opendir(location); if (!dir) return; while ((tmp = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { if ((strncmp(tmp->d_name, ".", 1)) // && (strncmp(tmp->d_name, "_", 1)) && (!strchr(tmp->d_name, '~')) && (strcmp(tmp->d_name, "..")) && (strcmp(tmp->d_name, "CVS")) && (strcmp(tmp->d_name, "RCS"))) { if (!strcmp(location, SLASH)) Strcat(strcpy(fullpath, SLASH), tmp->d_name); else if (!strcmp(location, ".")) strcpy(fullpath, tmp->d_name); else Strcat(Strcat (strcpy(fullpath, location), SLASH), tmp->d_name); if (elf_repellant && test_bin_file(fullpath)) continue; lstat(fullpath, &fstats); file_id_t file_id; if (fstats.st_ino != 0) { file_id = fstats.st_ino; file_id |= ((file_id_t)fstats.st_dev) << 32; } else { /* for win32 fat/ntfs under mingw, st_ino is 0, use "create time" * and make sure it's not duplicated */ #ifdef __MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION file_id = get_create_time(fullpath); #else arcs_error("ARCS does not yet support filesystems without inodes (e.g. FAT, NTFS) on UNIX!"); #endif } if (S_ISDIR(fstats.st_mode)) directories[i++] = strdup(fullpath); #ifndef __MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION else if (fstats.st_nlink == 1) link_add(fullpath, file_id); #endif time_t mtime; //#ifdef __MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION mtime = fstats.st_mtime; //#else // mtime = fstats.st_ctime; //#endif if (mtime >= now) { if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "reduced mtime recorded for %s from %d to %d\n", fullpath, (int)mtime, (int)(now - 1)); mtime = now - 1; /* this is in case the file is still being * written during the currect second, * so it will definitely be detected as * modified again in the next scan */ /* TODO should we in fact not commit any change * that is not at least 1 second old? */ } if (write_file) fprintf(fp, "%s\t" LLU_FMT "\t%d\n", fullpath, file_id, (unsigned int) mtime); node_add(database, fullpath, file_id, mtime, index); } } i = 0; while (directories[i] != NULL) { find_files(directories[i], fp, database, write_file, index); Free(directories[i++]); } closedir(dir); } static int generate_database(char *root, char *location, node_t * database, int write_file, hashtable *index) { FILE *fp; if (write_file) { remove(location); fp = fopen(location, "w"); if (!fp) { arcs_error("Error: Could not open %s for use as database", location); } } find_files(root, fp, database, write_file, index); if (write_file) fclose(fp); return SUCCESS; } static int populate_database(char *location, node_t * database, hashtable *index) { FILE *fp; int status = 0; char buf[PATH_MAX+512]; char *p; int mtime; file_id_t file_id; char path[PATH_MAX]; fp = fopen(location, "r"); if (!fp) { arcs_error("Error: Unable to open %s to read database", location); } while ((p = fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) != NULL) { chomp(buf); status = tokenize(buf, path, &file_id, &mtime); if (!status) arcs_error("Database broken"); node_add(database, path, file_id, mtime, index); } fclose(fp); return SUCCESS; } typedef enum { FT_FILE, FT_DIR, FT_LNK, FT_OBJ } file_type; char *file_type_str[4] = { "file", "dir", "link", "obj" }; file_type get_file_type(char *path) { struct stat stats; file_type type = FT_OBJ; if (!lstat(path, &stats)) { if (S_ISREG(stats.st_mode)) type = FT_FILE; else if (S_ISDIR(stats.st_mode)) type = FT_DIR; else if (S_ISLNK(stats.st_mode)) type = FT_LNK; } return type; } static int compare_databases(node_t * database, node_t * testdb, hashtable *testdb_index) { node_t *cursor = database->next; node_t *tmp; int changed = 0; file_type type; for (; cursor; cursor = cursor->next) { type = FT_OBJ; tmp = node_find(testdb, cursor->file_id, testdb_index); if (tmp) { type = get_file_type(tmp->path); tmp->exists = 1; if (strcmp(tmp->path, cursor->path)) { if (quiet_level < 2) { printf("move %4s %s -> %s\n", file_type_str[type], cursor->path, tmp->path); } command(ARCS_MOVE, cursor->path, tmp->path); changed = 1; } } else { tmp = node_find_by_path(testdb, cursor->path, testdb_index); if (tmp) { type = get_file_type(tmp->path); tmp->exists = 1; /* file_id numbers must be different */ if (quiet_level < 2) { printf("renum %4s %s\n", file_type_str[type], tmp->path); } #ifndef __MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION link_del(tmp->file_id); link_add(cursor->path, cursor->file_id); #endif } } if (tmp) { type = get_file_type(tmp->path); if (tmp->mtime != cursor->mtime && type != FT_DIR) { if (quiet_level < 2) { printf("mod %4s %s\n", file_type_str[type], tmp->path); } changed = 1; command(ARCS_MOD, tmp->path); } } else { if (quiet_level < 2) { printf("del %4s %s\n", file_type_str[type], cursor->path); } changed = 1; if (!(no_dirs && type == FT_DIR)) command(ARCS_REM, cursor->path); #ifndef __MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION link_del(cursor->file_id); #endif } } /* test for new files */ cursor = testdb->next; while (cursor) { if (!cursor->exists) { type = get_file_type(cursor->path); if (quiet_level < 2) { printf("add %4s %s\n", file_type_str[type], cursor->path); } if (!(no_dirs && type == FT_DIR)) command(ARCS_ADD, cursor->path); #ifndef __MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION link_add(cursor->path, cursor->file_id); #endif changed = 1; } cursor = cursor->next; } return changed; } //static void catch_signal(int sig) //{ // if(sig) { // fprintf(stderr, "caught signal - exiting\n"); // safe_exit = 1; // } //} // //typedef void (*sighandler_t)(int); // //static sighandler_t old_int_handler; //static sighandler_t old_term_handler; // //static void dont_kill_me(void) //{ // old_int_handler = signal(SIGINT, catch_signal); // old_term_handler = signal(SIGTERM, catch_signal); //} // //static void ok_I_can_die_now_jk(void) //{ // signal(SIGINT, old_int_handler); // signal(SIGTERM, old_term_handler); //} void arcs_here_i_am(location_t *here) { /* No need to include the time */ if (quiet_level < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "ARCS %s %s at %s %s\n", ARCS_VERSION, ARCS_BACKEND, here->address, arcs_shared ? "shared" : ""); } } void create_file(char *file, char *content) { if (no_action) return; struct stat fstats; if (stat(file, &fstats) != 0) { FILE *fp = fopen(file, "a"); if(!fp) arcs_error("can't open / create file: %s", file); fprintf(fp, "%s", content); fclose(fp); } } void make_arcs_dir(void) { mkdir(arcs_dir, 0700); } void arcs_init(char *arcs_dir, location_t *here) { char buf[PATH_MAX]; char *user; struct stat fstats; if (stat(arcs_dir, &fstats) != 0) { if (init_new && !no_action) { make_arcs_dir(); if (use_link_tree) mkdir(tree_dir, 0777); } else { arcs_error("arcs_init: %s does not exist, and -i not passed", arcs_dir); } } if (stat(tree_dir, &fstats) != 0) { use_link_tree = 0; } create_file(peers_file, ""); create_file(task_file, "."); user = getenv("USER"); if (!user) user = getenv("USERNAME"); if (!user) arcs_error("arcs_init: getenv(\"USER\")"); here->user = strdup(user); if (gethostname(buf, sizeof(buf))) { char *tmp = getenv("COMPUTERNAME"); if (!tmp) tmp = "localhost"; here->host = strdup(tmp); } else { here->host = strdup(buf); } here->dir = Getcwd(); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s@%s:%s", here->user, here->host, here->dir); here->address = strdup(buf); if (stat(ARCS_DIR, &fstats) < 0) { if (ARCS_INIT == NULL) arcs_error("This backend cannot be used to create, you must first pull a repository"); command(ARCS_INIT); } char *htaccess_file_1 = ".arcs" SLASH ".htaccess"; char htaccess_file_2[PATH_MAX]; Strcat(Strcat(strcpy(htaccess_file_2, ARCS_DIR), SLASH), ".htaccess"); create_file(htaccess_file_1, htaccess_content); create_file(htaccess_file_2, htaccess_content); } void version_info(void) { printf("%s\n", ARCS_VERSION); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } list_t *reverse_list(list_t *list) { list_t *prev = NULL; list_t *next; while (list) { next = list->next; list->next = prev; prev = list; list = next; } return prev; } char * /*M*/ path_abs(char *rel) { if (rel[0] == SLASH[0]) return strdup(rel); char buf[PATH_MAX]; char *cwd = Getcwd(); snprintf(buf, PATH_MAX, "%s" SLASH "%s", cwd, rel); Free(cwd); return strdup(buf); } char * path_rel_to_if_under(char *path /*M*/, char *base) { int i = strlen(base); if (strncmp(path, base, i) == 0 && path[i] == SLASH[0]) { char *t = strdup(path + i+1); Free(path); path = t; } return path; } list_t *read_peers(char *peers_file, location_t *here) { char buf[PATH_MAX]; list_t *peers = NULL; char *peer; char *home_relative_here_dir = path_rel_to_if_under(path_abs(here->dir), getenv("HOME")); /* M */ FILE *fp = fopen(peers_file, "r"); if(!fp) arcs_error("%s read_peers: fopen()", here->address); while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) { chomp(buf); if (strlen(buf) == 0 || buf[0] == '#') continue; if (strchr(buf, ':') == NULL) { Strcat(Strcat(buf, ":"), home_relative_here_dir); } if (strchr(buf, '@') == NULL) { int len = strlen(here->user); memmove(buf + len+1, buf, strlen(buf)+1); strcpy(buf, here->user); buf[len] = '@'; } peer = strdup(buf); peers = list_new(peers, peer); } fclose(fp); free(home_relative_here_dir); return reverse_list(peers); } int group_can_write(char *path) { (void)path; #ifndef __MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION struct stat stats; if (!lstat(path, &stats)) { return (stats.st_mode & S_IWGRP) && 1; } #endif return 0; } #ifdef __MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION int setenv(const char *name, const char *value, int overwrite) { if (overwrite || !getenv(name)) { char *kv = malloc(strlen(name)+strlen(value)+2); if (!kv) return -1; strcpy(kv, name); strcat(kv, "="); strcat(kv, value); if (putenv(kv) == -1) return -1; } return 0; } #endif void project_chdir(project_t *project) { char dir[PATH_MAX]; char *home = getenv("HOME"); if (chdir(home)) arcs_error("can't chdir $HOME"); if (chdir(project->path)) { if (init_new && !no_action) { if (mkdir(project->path, 0777) || chdir(project->path)) arcs_error("can't create project: %s", project->path); } else { arcs_error("can't chdir to project path: %s", project->path); } } setenv("SSHC_SHARED", arcs_shared ? "1" : "0", 1); if (go_up_to_find_project_dir) { struct stat fstats; while (!init_new && stat(arcs_dir, &fstats)) { int finished = 0; if (getcwd(dir, PATH_MAX) == NULL) { finished = 1; } else { int c = dir[strlen(dir)-1]; if (c == '/' || c == '\\') { finished = 1; } } if (finished) { arcs_error("cannot find arcs project directory at or above: %s", project->path); } chdir(".."); } } if (arcs_shared == -1) arcs_shared = group_can_write("."); // TODO make the checkout shared or not? if (arcs_shared) { umask(0002); /* we want arcs to work for groups */ chmod(arcs_dir, 0770 | S_ISGID); } else { umask(0022); chmod(arcs_dir, 0700); } } void location_free(location_t *location) { location_t *cursor = location; if (!cursor) return; if (cursor->address) Free(cursor->address); if (cursor->user) Free(cursor->user); if (cursor->host) Free(cursor->host); if (cursor->dir) Free(cursor->dir); Free(cursor); } void project_free(project_t *project) { Free(project->path); location_free(project->here); list_free(project->peers); node_free(project->database); Free(project); } project_t *project_new(char *path) { project_t *project = Malloc(sizeof(project_t)); project->path = path; project->database = node_alloc(); project_chdir(project); project->here = Malloc(sizeof(location_t)); /* could alloc it direct in the struct */ arcs_init(arcs_dir, project->here); project->peers = read_peers(peers_file, project->here); struct stat fstats; if (stat(ARCS_DIR, &fstats) < 0) { arcs_error("Not a valid repository: %s", path); } if (stat("build-stamp", &fstats) == 0) { arcs_error("You need to run `fakeroot debian/rules clean` in: %s", path); } int status = first_run_test(db_file); if (!status) populate_database(db_file, project->database, NULL); return project; } list_t *read_projects(char *projects_file, int *count, int argc, char **argv) { char buf[PATH_MAX]; list_t *projects = NULL; if (!*argv) { argv = &projects_file; argc = 1; } char *home = getenv("HOME"); if (chdir(home)) arcs_error("can't chdir $HOME"); int ok = 1; int i; for(i=0; inext) { char *path = p->node; p->node = project_new(path); } return projects; } char * arcs_basename(char *url) { char *bn1, *bn2; bn1 = strrchr(url, '/'); bn2 = strrchr(url, '\\'); if ((uint)(bn1 - bn2) > 0) return bn1+1; if (bn2) return bn2+1; return url; } void add_peer(char *peer) { char buf[PATH_MAX]; make_arcs_dir(); FILE *fh = fopen(peers_file, "r"); int already = 0; if (fh != NULL) { while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fh)) { chomp(buf); if(strlen(buf) == 0 || buf[0] == '#') continue; if (!strcmp(buf, peer)) { already = 1; break; } } fclose(fh); } if (already) { fprintf(stderr, "warning: peer %s already exists in %s\n", peer, peers_file); } else { FILE *fh = fopen(peers_file, "a"); if (fh == NULL) arcs_error("can't write to .arcs/peers"); fprintf(fh, "%s\n", peer); fclose(fh); } } void add_project(char *project_dir) { char *_project_dir = path_abs(project_dir); char *home = getenv("HOME"); char buf[PATH_MAX]; int already = 0; _project_dir = path_rel_to_if_under(_project_dir, home); FILE *fp = fopen(projects_file, "r"); if (!fp) fp = fopen(projects_file, "r+"); if (!fp) arcs_error("cannot open %s", projects_file); while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) { chomp(buf); if(strlen(buf) == 0 || buf[0] == '#') continue; if (!strcmp(buf, _project_dir)) { already = 1; break; } } fclose(fp); if (!already) { FILE *fp = fopen(projects_file, "a"); if (!fp) arcs_error("cannot open %s", projects_file); fprintf(fp, "%s\n", _project_dir); fclose(fp); } Free(_project_dir); } void arcs_get(char *get_from, char *get_to) { if (!get_to) { char *dir = strchr(get_from, ':'); if (!dir) arcs_error("invalid get from url?"); ++dir; get_to = arcs_basename(dir); } if (do_rrec) arcs_rrec(get_from); command(ARCS_GET, get_from, get_to); if (chdir(get_to)) arcs_error("could not get?"); char *project_dir = Getcwd(); add_peer(get_from); add_project(project_dir); Free(project_dir); } void arcs_put(char *put_from, char *put_to) { char _put_to[PATH_MAX]; if (!strchr(put_to, ':')) { char *dir = arcs_basename(put_from); Strcat(Strcat(strcpy(_put_to, put_to), ":"), dir); put_to = _put_to; } mkdir(put_from, 0777); if (chdir(put_from)) arcs_error("put: can't chdir to local directory"); char *project_dir = Getcwd(); arcs_rrec(put_to); pull(put_to); push(put_to, put_from); add_peer(put_to); add_project(project_dir); Free(project_dir); } size_t Fread(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream) { size_t count = fread(ptr, size, nmemb, stream); if(count < nmemb && ferror(stream)) arcs_error("failed: fread"); return count; } void Fwrite(const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream) { size_t count = fwrite(ptr, size, nmemb, stream); if(count != nmemb) arcs_error("failed: fwrite"); } void Fclose(FILE *fp) { if(fclose(fp) == EOF) arcs_error("failed: fclose"); } void fcp(FILE *in, FILE *out) { char buf[4096]; size_t len; while((len = Fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), in)) != 0) Fwrite(buf, 1, len, out); } void chmod_add(const char *path, mode_t add_mode) { struct stat s; if (stat(path, &s) || chmod(path, s.st_mode | add_mode)) arcs_error("chmod_add %s failed", path); } #ifndef __MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION void cx(const char *path) { chmod_add(path, S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH); } #endif void setup_make(list_t *projects, int proj_count) { list_t *ptr = projects; int idx; for (idx = 0; idx < proj_count; idx++) { project_t *project = ptr->node; ptr = ptr->next; project_chdir(project); char *mf1 = ".Makefile.1"; FILE *out = fopen(mf1, "w"); if (!out) arcs_error("cannot create file %s", mf1); FILE *in = fopen("Makefile", "r"); if (!in) { if (quiet_level < 3) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Creating null Makefile"); fputs("build:\n\t:\n\n", out); } else { char s[3]; size_t c = Fread(s, 1, 2, in); s[c] = '\0'; if (c == 2 && strcmp(s, "#!")) fprintf(out, "#!/usr/bin/make -f\n\n%s", s); else fputs(s, out); fcp(in, out); Fclose(in); } Fclose(out); rename("Makefile", ".Makefile.old"); if (rename(mf1, "Makefile")) arcs_error("cannot move %s to Makefile", mf1); unlink(".arcs/make"); #ifndef __MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION if (symlink("../Makefile", ".arcs/make")) arcs_error("symlink failed"); cx("Makefile"); #else fclose(fopen(".arcs/make", "w")); #endif // TODO a small script to run make for mingw? } } void edit_peers(list_t *projects, int proj_count) { list_t *ptr = projects; int idx; for (idx = 0; idx < proj_count; idx++) { project_t *project = ptr->node; ptr = ptr->next; project_chdir(project); if (!no_action) command("editor $1", peers_file); } } void edit_projects(void) { command("editor $1", projects_file); } void set_task(list_t *projects, int proj_count) { list_t *ptr = projects; int idx; for (idx = 0; idx < proj_count; idx++) { project_t *project = ptr->node; ptr = ptr->next; project_chdir(project); if (!no_action) { FILE *fp = fopen(task_file, "w"); if(!fp) arcs_error("set_task: can't open / create task file"); fprintf(fp, "%s", msg); fclose(fp); } } } #ifdef __MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION int truncate(const char *path, off_t length) { int ret; int fd = open(path, O_RDWR); if (fd == -1) return -1; ret = ftruncate(fd, length); if (ret) { close(fd); return -1; } ret = close(fd); if (ret == -1) return -1; return 0; } #endif void detach_peers(list_t *projects, int proj_count) { list_t *ptr = projects; int idx; for (idx = 0; idx < proj_count; idx++) { project_t *project = ptr->node; ptr = ptr->next; project_chdir(project); if (!no_action) if (truncate(peers_file, 0)) arcs_error("failed: truncate"); } } void forget_history(list_t *projects, int proj_count) { list_t *ptr = projects; int idx; for (idx = 0; idx < proj_count; idx++) { project_t *project = ptr->node; ptr = ptr->next; project_chdir(project); command("rm -rf .git ; rm -rf .arcs/tree ; rm -f $1", db_file); list_t *peers = project->peers; list_t *ptr2; if (do_push) { for (ptr2 = peers; ptr2; ptr2=ptr2->next) { char *peer = ptr2->node; command("sshc $1 arcs --forget -N", peer); } } } } void remove_arcs(list_t *projects, int proj_count) { list_t *ptr = projects; int idx; for (idx = 0; idx < proj_count; idx++) { project_t *project = ptr->node; ptr = ptr->next; project_chdir(project); command("rm -rf $1 $2", arcs_dir, ARCS_DIR); } // TODO remove from projects file? } void commit_all(list_t *projects, int proj_count) { list_t *ptr = projects; int idx; if (!ARCS_FIX) arcs_error("commit_all: not implemented for this backend %s", ARCS_BACKEND); for (idx = 0; idx < proj_count; idx++) { project_t *project = ptr->node; ptr = ptr->next; project_chdir(project); command(ARCS_FIX); } } void conflicts(list_t *projects, int proj_count) { list_t *ptr = projects; if (proj_count != 1) arcs_error("conflicts: cannot work with multiple projects"); int idx; for (idx = 0; idx < proj_count; idx++) { project_t *project = ptr->node; ptr = ptr->next; project_chdir(project); command("conflicts"); } } void peace(char **argv, int argc) { char which[2]; char *argv1[argc+3]; int i; snprintf(which, 2, "%0d", peace_which); argv1[0] = "pacify"; argv1[1] = which; for(i=0; ichanged = compare_databases(project->database, testdb, testdb_index); if (project->changed && do_rec) { char *task = NULL; struct stat fstats; if (msg != NULL) task = strdup(msg); else if (stat(task_file, &fstats) == 0) { FILE *fp = fopen(task_file, "r"); if (!fp) arcs_error("Can't open task file"); // TODO put me in a function! use a sane way? task = Malloc(fstats.st_size + 1); char *ptr = task; char *end = task + fstats.st_size; while (ptr != end) { int bytes_read = fread(ptr, 1, end-ptr, fp); if (bytes_read <= 0) break; ptr += bytes_read; } *ptr = '\0'; fclose(fp); } else { task = strdup("."); } if (record(task)) { // if the record fails, maybe because an empty commit, // no need to push project->changed = 0; } Free(task); if (safe_exit) return 0; } if (command_failed || no_action) { command_failed = 0; } else { unlink(db_file); // TODO maybe, rename to db_file_old ? if (rename(db_file_new, db_file)) arcs_error("can't replace database"); } node_free(project->database); project->database = testdb; return project->changed; } void one_step(project_t *project, int push_pull_this_scan) { location_t *here = project->here; list_t *peers = project->peers; int changed1 = 0; int changed2 = 0; struct stat fstats; int need_push = stat(need_push_file, &fstats) == 0; if (!no_action) { FILE *s = fopen(need_push_file, "w"); if (!s) arcs_error("failed: fopen %s", need_push_file); fclose(s); } now = time(NULL); arcs_here_i_am(here); // dont_kill_me(); if (do_rec) changed1 = arcs_rec(project); // ok_I_can_die_now_jk(); if (safe_exit) return; list_t *ptr; if (push_pull_this_scan) { int need_rec = 0; for (ptr = peers; ptr; ptr=ptr->next) { char *peer = ptr->node; if ((do_pull || do_push) && do_rrec) arcs_rrec(peer); if (safe_exit) return; if (do_pull) if (!pull(peer)) need_rec = 1; if (safe_exit) break; } if (need_rec) { int tmp = rec_after_pull; rec_after_pull = 1; if (VERBOSE) fprintf(stderr, "sleep 1\n"); if (!no_action) sleep(1); now = time(NULL); if (do_rec) changed2 = arcs_rec(project); rec_after_pull = tmp; } if (safe_exit) return; if (changed1 || changed2 || need_push || do_push_always || !do_rec) { if (do_push) { for (ptr = peers; ptr; ptr=ptr->next) { char *peer = ptr->node; push(peer, here->address); if (safe_exit) return; } } } if (do_push && !no_action) remove(need_push_file); if (do_make) { struct stat fstats; if (stat(make_file, &fstats) == 0) make(); } if (safe_exit) return; } } int get_options(int argc, char **argv) { int i; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { char *opt = argv[i]; if (!strcmp(opt, "-h") || !strcmp(opt, "--help") || !strcmp(opt, "-help")) help(argv[0]); else if (!strcmp(opt, "-l")) loop = 1; else if (!strcmp(opt, "-v")) --quiet_level; else if (!strcmp(opt, "-q")) ++quiet_level; else if (!strcmp(opt, "-i")) init_new = 1; else if (!strcmp(opt, "-n")) no_action = 1; else if (!strcmp(opt, "-a")) read_proj = 1; else if (!strcmp(opt, "-f")) { #ifdef __MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION arcs_error("sorry, -f (parallel mode) does not work on windows"); #endif parallel = 1; if (argv[i+1] && argv[i+1][0] >= '0' && argv[i+1][0] <= '9') { i++; parallel_max = atoi(argv[i]); } } else if (!strcmp(opt, "-E")) elf_repellant = 0; else if (!strcmp(opt, "-T")) use_link_tree = 0; else if (!strcmp(opt, "-c")) arcs_shared = 1; else if (!strcmp(opt, "-C")) arcs_shared = 0; else if ((!strcmp(opt, "-m")) && (i < (argc - 1))) { i++; msg = argv[i]; if (*msg == '\0') arcs_error("empty -m message"); } else if ((!strcmp(opt, "-s")) && (i < (argc - 1))) { i++; scan_delay = atoi(argv[i]); } else if ((!strcmp(opt, "-S")) && (i < (argc - 1))) { i++; pull_interval = atoi(argv[i]); } else if ((!strcmp(opt, "-z")) && (i < (argc - 1))) { i++; parallel_sleep = atof(argv[i]); } else if (!strcmp(opt, "-O")) do_push = 0; else if (!strcmp(opt, "-I")) do_pull = 0; else if (!strcmp(opt, "--push")) do_push_always = 1; else if (!strcmp(opt, "-N")) { do_push = do_pull = 0; } else if (!strcmp(opt, "--rap")) { rec_after_pull = 1; } // else if (!strcmp(opt, "+o")) { // push_all = 0; // while (argv[i+1] && argv[i+1][0] != '-' && argv[i+1][0] != '+') { // ++i; // push_list = list_new(push_list, strdup(opt)); // } // } // else if (!strcmp(opt, "+i")) { // pull_all = 0; // while (argv[i+1] && argv[i+1][0] != '-' && argv[i+1][0] != '+') { // ++i; // pull_list = list_new(pull_list, strdup(opt)); // } // } /* else if (!strcmp(opt, "-o")) { push_all = 1; while (argv[i+1] && argv[i+1][0] != '-' && argv[i+1][0] != '+') { ++i; push_list = list_new(push_list, strdup(opt)); } // FIXME doesn't do anything yet } else if (!strcmp(opt, "-i")) { pull_all = 1; while (argv[i+1] && argv[i+1][0] != '-' && argv[i+1][0] != '+') { ++i; pull_list = list_new(pull_list, strdup(opt)); } // FIXME doesn't do anything yet } */ else if (!strcmp(opt, "--get")) { if (!argv[i+1]) { arcs_error("usage: arcs --get from [to]"); } else { get_from = argv[i+1]; if (argv[i+2] && argv[i+2][0] != '-') { get_to = argv[i+2]; } } do_push = 0; do_pull = 0; } else if (!strcmp(opt, "--put")) { if (!argv[i+1] || !argv[i+2]) { arcs_error("usage: arcs --put from to"); } else { put_from = argv[i+1]; put_to = argv[i+2]; } } else if(!strcmp(opt, "-L")) { do_rec = 0; } else if(!strcmp(opt, "-R")) { do_rrec = 0; do_push = 0; } else if (!strcmp(opt, "--log")) { // FIXME not here! command(ARCS_LOG); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else if (!strcmp(opt, "--hist")) { // FIXME not here! command(ARCS_HIST); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else if (!strcmp(opt, "--make")) { do_setup_make = 1; } else if (!strcmp(opt, "--peers")) { do_edit_peers = 1; } else if (!strcmp(opt, "--projects")) { edit_projects(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else if ((!strcmp(opt, "-t")) && (i < (argc - 1))) { i++; msg = argv[i]; if (*msg == '\0') arcs_error("empty -t message"); do_set_task = 1; } else if (!strcmp(opt, "--detach")) { do_detach_peers = 1; } else if (!strcmp(opt, "--forget")) { do_forget_history = 1; } else if (!strcmp(opt, "--remove")) { do_remove_arcs = 1; } else if (!strcmp(opt, "--commit-all")) { do_commit_all = 1; } else if (!strcmp(opt, "--conflicts")) { do_conflicts = 1; } else if (!strcmp(opt, "--peace")) { do_peace = 1; i++; if (!argv[i]) arcs_error("usage: arcs --peace [1|2] file..."); peace_which = atoi(argv[i]); } else if (!strcmp(opt, "-M")) { do_make = 0; } else if(!strcmp(opt, "-d")) { do_diff = 1; } else if(!strcmp(opt, "-p")) do_patch = 1; else if(!strcmp(opt, "-u")) do_unpatch = 1; else if(!strcmp(opt, "--version") || !strcmp(opt, "-V")) version_info(); else if (!strcmp(opt, "--")) { ++i; break; } else if (opt[0] == '-') arcs_error("unknown option %s", opt); else break; } if (put_to && !do_rrec) arcs_error("-R conflicts with --put"); verbose = (quiet_level <= 0); VERBOSE = (quiet_level < 0); return i; } #ifndef __MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION void rtime_to_timespec(double rtime, struct timespec *ts) { ts->tv_sec = (long)rtime; ts->tv_nsec = (long)((rtime - ts->tv_sec) * 1e9); } void rsleep(double time) { if(time <= 0) return; struct timespec delay; rtime_to_timespec(time, &delay); nanosleep(&delay, &delay); } #endif int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; char *backend; list_t *projects = NULL; Malloc_debug_open(); char *ssh = getenv("ARCS_SSH"); if (!ssh) { ssh = getenv("SSH"); } if (ssh && !getenv("GIT_SSH")) setenv("GIT_SSH", ssh, 1); char *home = getenv("HOME"); Strcat(Strcat(strcpy(projects_file, home), SLASH), _projects_file); // at the moment, only one backend at a time! if (!(backend = getenv("ARCS"))) /* default backend */ arcs_backend = &git; else if (!strcasecmp(backend, "GIT")) arcs_backend = &git; else if (!strcasecmp(backend, "SVN")) arcs_backend = &svn; else if(!strcasecmp(backend, "CVS")) arcs_backend = &cvs; else if(!strcasecmp(backend, "DARCS")) arcs_backend = &darcs; else arcs_error("Unknown backend"); no_dirs = arcs_backend == &git; i = get_options(argc, argv); /* commands --get, --put */ if(get_from) { arcs_get(get_from, get_to); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } if(put_to) { arcs_put(put_from, put_to); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } if(do_peace) { peace(argv+i, argc-i); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } /* And so, the bogosity begins...*/ int proj_count = 0; int idx; if (read_proj) { projects = read_projects(projects_file, &proj_count, argc-i, argv+i); } else if (argv[i] != NULL) { int j; for(j=i; argv[j]; ++j) argv[j] = abs_path(argv[j]); for(j=i; argv[j]; ++j) { project_t *project = project_new(argv[j]); projects = list_new(projects, project); ++proj_count; } projects = reverse_list(projects); } else { proj_count = 1; project_t *project = project_new(Getcwd()); projects = list_new(NULL, project); } if(do_setup_make) { setup_make(projects, proj_count); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } if(do_edit_peers) { edit_peers(projects, proj_count); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } if(do_set_task) { set_task(projects, proj_count); } if(do_detach_peers) { detach_peers(projects, proj_count); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } if(do_forget_history) { forget_history(projects, proj_count); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } if(do_remove_arcs) { remove_arcs(projects, proj_count); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } if(do_commit_all) { commit_all(projects, proj_count); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } if(do_conflicts) { conflicts(projects, proj_count); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } if (do_diff || do_patch || do_unpatch) { int status; if (proj_count != 1 && (do_patch || do_unpatch)) arcs_error("can't patch / unpatch multiple projects at once"); list_t *ptr = projects; for (idx = 0; idx < proj_count; idx++) { project_t *project = ptr->node; ptr = ptr->next; location_t *here = project->here; project_chdir(project); now = time(NULL); arcs_here_i_am(here); if (do_patch == 1) { status = command("patch -p1 -N"); if (status) arcs_error("patch failed"); } if (do_unpatch == 1) { status = command("patch -p1 -R"); if (status) arcs_error("unpatch failed"); } if (do_diff == 1) { int tmp = no_action; int changed1; no_action = 1; changed1 = arcs_rec(project); no_action = tmp; fflush(stdout); if (changed1) { no_action = 0; status = command(ARCS_DIFF); no_action = tmp; if (status) arcs_error("diff failed"); // some diffs may return 0 or 1 for same / different..? no_action = tmp; } } } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } long scan_count = 0; if (!loop) pull_interval = 10; for (;;) { if (loop && verbose) fprintf(stderr, "scan %ld\n", scan_count); list_t *ptr = projects; int push_pull_this_scan = scan_count % pull_interval == 0; #ifndef __MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION int parallel_this_scan = parallel && push_pull_this_scan; int child_count = 0; #endif for (idx = 0; idx < proj_count; idx++) { project_t *project = ptr->node; ptr = ptr->next; project_chdir(project); #ifndef __MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION if (!parallel_this_scan || fork() == 0) { #endif one_step(project, push_pull_this_scan); #ifndef __MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION if (parallel_this_scan) exit(safe_exit ? 2 : 0); #endif if (safe_exit) break; #ifndef __MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION } ++child_count; if (parallel_this_scan) rsleep(parallel_sleep); if (parallel_this_scan && child_count == parallel_max) { int status; if (wait(&status) >= 0) { if (WIFEXITED(status) && WEXITSTATUS(status) == 2) safe_exit = 1; --child_count; } } #endif } if (safe_exit) break; #ifndef __MINGW32_MAJOR_VERSION if (parallel_this_scan) { int status; while (wait(&status) >= 0) { if (WIFEXITED(status) && WEXITSTATUS(status) == 2) safe_exit = 1; --child_count; } if (child_count != 0 && quiet_level < 3) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: child accounting does not balance! %d", child_count); } #endif scan_count++; // TODO check for certain no change situation, and in that case don't run the scan twice if (!loop) break; if (loop) { if (VERBOSE) fprintf(stderr, "sleep %d\n", scan_delay); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "\n"); sleep(scan_delay); } } list_free_each(projects, (free_t)&project_free); Malloc_debug_close(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }